10 Times The Joker Actually SAVED Batman

8. Joker's Memory Helps Spur Batman On

Joker Batman
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

With so many tussles, altercations and harrowing events shared between the pair, it's clear that The Joker has become permanently engrained into Batman's very soul.

This has obviously proven to be a serious curse at times with memories such as Jason Todd scarring the Dark Knight time and time again, however the imprint The Joker leaves on Batman has also proven to be the drive he needs to soldier through when the going gets really tough.

The video game Batman: Arkham Knight is set in a Gotham City nine months after The Joker has died, and explores the strange eeriness Batman experiences without his old adversary being around. The Dark Knight is constantly struggling to come to terms with The Joker's absence, and it is only through his death that he begins to understand just how deep rooted their bond really was.

It also serves as one of the best examples of how The Joker has inadvertently saved Batman's life, with the Dark Knight constantly fighting through the effects of a deadly toxin and only finding the willpower to carry on through the pain thanks to the memory of his foe both taunting and encouraging him on.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.