10 Unbelievable Comic Book Cameos Nobody Saw Coming

6. Stalin In Black Widow: Deadly Origin

Obama Suicide Squad
Marvel Comics

Dictators are as common in comics as spandex in the Golden Age - that is to say, incredibly common, and basically everywhere. Having your enemy be a real-world dictator, especially, is basically the quickest way to create a villain, because you have one that people already hate.

Keeping this in mind, these figures are generally introduced with a lot of flair and drama - because, again, dramatic ceremonies is something we associate with dictators.

This explains why having Stalin - an actual mass murderer who ruined and ended countless lives - randomly stroll into panel is particularly unusual. Hearing about him casually talking a walk in the park eating a bon-bon is twice as weird, because though it's obvious dictators must have done some regular things, seeing the iron-fisted merciless leader of a country doing them is undeniably strange.

Stalin's appearance in Black Widow is by no means bad, but just totally surreal.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.