10 Unbelievable Comic Book Cameos Nobody Saw Coming

5. The Cast Of Glee In Archie

Obama Suicide Squad
Archie Comics

Of all crossovers, the one between Archie and glee, in theory, should have worked the smoothest – after all, they’re both based around teen life, with roughly the same kind of mostly light-hearted school shenanigans, which is practically a recipe for success. More importantly, this means the target audiences are basically the exact same, meaning in theory it would be impossible for the tv shows' cameo to get weird.

In practice, however, the whole comic is wild – especially the start, which has the cast of Archie using a universe teleporter to enter the world of Glee, instead of having them just exist in the same one. Through a series of events, half of each cast ends up trapped in the others' universe, in a plotline that seems more like Back To The Future than that of a high-school drama.

Also, maybe the most uncanny thing about the entire comic is the singing. Archie comics are no stranger to having song lyrics in comics - in their crossover with The Ramones, it actually kind of worked - but seeing singing scenes from the show Glee made into comic panels seems way more clunky, and just doesn't fit the medium.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.