10 Unbelievable Comic Book Cameos Nobody Saw Coming

4. Penn And Teller In Deadpool/Spider-Man

Obama Suicide Squad
Marvel Comics

The weirdest thing about Penn and Teller’s cameo in Deadpool is that by all means the thing would have worked better as a comic solely about them, without the Merc having to weirdly mingle with them. As it is, it feels like someone on the writing staff owed the two a favour, and so this fresh nightmare was born.

Penn and Teller's cameo in Deadpool is just about the most jarring thing in the entire of the series, if not maybe the entire franchise. It's incredibly clear that Penn wrote the issue, and while there's nothing wrong with that, the fact he writes a story where he's constantly referring in-comic to how his character can do anything because he is writing it is a little underwhelming. That, and outside of the last couple pages, there's very little in the way of an actual plot, which is kinda important in comics, generally.

Overall, the comic isn't the worst cameo that's ever existed, but it fails the true magic trick of actually being interesting.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.