10 Unbelievable Comic Book Cameos Nobody Saw Coming

3. Antonino Rocca In Superman

Obama Suicide Squad
DC Comics

Any comics that tries to make a wrestler have greater superpowers than Superman is the result of some deeply questionable choices. Superman vs Antonino Rocca is no exception to this, somehow managing to be even weirder than the story before it, which contains Superman riding a giant fly to rescue some slaves - just to set the bar.

In all fairness, there is a solid explanation for why Rocca had suddenly gained ridiculous superstrength, but it doesn't excuse the total weirdness that is the plot twist at the end. It's too good to spoil, but has some beautiful highlights, the best of which involves Superman stuffing his dog into a life-size plastic man figure.

It'd be easy to pretend the comic takes place in an alternate universe, really, with a Superman who is willing to duke it out in a wrestling ring, and a mob who hold people at gunpoint to move big rocks for them.

That all said, the comic does feature Antonino Rocca longingly wishing to fight Hercules, so it's not all that bad.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.