10 Underpowered Characters Who Defeated Major Heroes

7. Daredevil Vs. The Hulk

Superman Muhammad Ali
Marvel Comics

While more a battle of wits than a battle of brawn, Daredevil shows that echolocation and a strong sense of hope can actually overpower the unimaginable strength of the Hulk - well, sometimes.

Upon seeing the big green giant wrecking New York one building at a time, Murdock changes into his superhero costume and confronts the Hulk, trying to convince him to calm down and leave the city before he destroys it.

Despite taking a mighty beatdown, Daredevil manages to eventually calm the creature down, by helping him realise that the man he is looking for - Bruce Banner - is actually his other form, and that the Hulk is actually just mad at himself.

It's likely to have disappointed anyone who expected a big fight between the pair, but still, any kind of victory against the Hulk counts as a win - and managing to calm him down in one of his rages might actually be more impressive than just beating him down.


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