10 Unluckiest Comic Book Characters

8. Bane

Spider-Man Spot
DC Comics

Bane had a harsh start to life, born in the brutal Peña Duro prison to serve his father’s sentence. Despite being created by his father to suffer, the potential link to Christ ends there.

After six years of hardship, Bane also lost his mother, who was given a crass, makeshift funeral, flung from a cliff into shark-infested waters.

Driven by rage Bane established himself as the top dog of Peña Duro. However, this brought him to the attention of the prison’s controllers, who adopted him as a test subject for a drug named Venom. Rather than kill Bane, as was the fate of previous subjects, it gave him superhuman strength.

In line with Bane’s persistent misfortune, Venom was highly addictive and resulted in severe withdrawal every twelve-hours. Bane’s addiction was seen most viscerally when Azrael, filling in for the “broken” Bruce Wayne, severed his Venom tubes. Bane was weakened to the point that his arch-nemesis’s temp beat him until he begged for death.

While imprisoned Bane detoxed from Venom. On his release he was empowered to return to his home country Santa Prisca to take on the drug cartels. In his eagerness, Bane was caught off guard and captured.

While in captivity he was drugged with a newer, stronger strain of Venom, the withdrawal from which was fatal. Bane’s misfortune again cast him as an addict.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.