10 Villains Doctor Doom Utterly Destroyed

9. Mentally Destroyed The Purple Man - Emperor Doom

Doctor Doom Kang
Marvel Comics

With the power to compel anyone to do whatever he wants, surely Zebediah Kilgrave, the Purple Man, is more than a match for Doctor Doom?

You’d think, but no. Not even close.

During the events of the graphic novel 'Emperor Doom', Doom manages to trap the Purple Man in a cage that prevents him from using his powers. Kilgrave mocks Doom, stating that he is 'just a manipulator' and that Doom is too weak to control him without gimmicks, and so doesn't deserve to rule.

Of course, that was the Purple Man's first mistake, as Big Vic does not take kindly to such slights. In the most baller move in comics, Doom enters the cage and removes his mask, allowing the heinous hypnotist to use his power on him. Kilgrave tries multiple times to get Doom to kill himself, but all attempts fail while Doom stands directly in front of Kilgrave, completely unphased. Kilgrave, suitably humbled, simply whispers that it's impossible for anyone to have so strong a will, fully broken. Doom simply puts his mask back on and walks away.

Less of a physical victory, this is still impressive considering no one up until that point had resisted KIlgrave unaided, and Doom had managed to defeat a villain that had dealt with the likes of Spider-man and Daredevil without lifting a finger.


Psychologist and writer by day. Octopus themed super villain by night.