10 Visually Impaired Comic Characters Who Can Kick Ass
4. Doctor Mid-Nite (Inverted Vision)
Although we've already discussed the original Doctor Mid-Nite, Charles McNider and his female predecessor, Beth Chapel, we're actually going to look at the most recent version of the character now - Pieter Cross. Obviously a DC character like the aforementioned pair, Cross is the Norwegian born son of noted scientist Theodoric Cross (now deceased). He was delivered as a baby by the original Doctor Mid-Nite - the aforementioned Charles McNider - who had actually just rescued his mother from a group of ruffians. His career as a hero began when he ran a free clinic in Portsmouth, Washington. He investigated a drug called A39 and he soon learned that it was produced by Praeda Industries - and evil organisation run by the Terrible Trio. He was drugged by henchmen of the organisation and ended up in a car accident, after which he found that he could only see in pitch darkness and took on the legendary name "Doctor Mid-Nite" and resolved to fight crime. He has worked with the Justice Society of America and had a brief fling with fellow member Black Canary.