10 Weirdest Comic Book Romances You Won’t Believe

7. Thanos And Death - Various Comics

Thanos Death
Marvel Comics

For those who only know Thanos through the MCU films, it's likely that there's one small part of the comic universe that comes as a huge surprise - namely, the fact that Thanos and Marvel's human embodiment of Death kind of have a thing going on, which serves to explain why the Mad Titan just loves killing stuff so dang much.

It used to be a pretty significant factor in other character's lives, too, as for a good while in comics Deadpool and Thanos were rivals because the Merc with a Mouth had also formed a weird sort of relationship with Death.

While it's completely surreal to see the Mad Titan making out with the human embodiment of Death, it does make a weird sort of sense. After all, what better way to motivate a villain than by telling them that their rad mysterious girlfriend can only show up by you murdering a ton of people?


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.