10 Weirdest Fantastic Four Villains Of All Time

8. Modulus

Mole Man

Reed and Susan's son, Franklin, became jealous when he believed his younger sister, Valeria, was receiving more attention than him. When he learned Reed kept most of his equations on his computer pad, Franklin tampered with it, hoping it could fix his jealousy. Instead, Franklin somehow caused all of Reed's equations to gain sentience, forming into a physical manifestation of all Reed’s theories called Modulus.

According to Reed, an equation is just a bunch of numbers unless it has a solution. Since Modulus encompasses every theorem Reed has devised, the living equation felt incomplete without him. When the Fantastic Four tried to stop it, Modulus battled them... with maths.

It can divide the elements in the ground, causing it to shatter. It can multiply the stories of a skyscraper, forcing it to collapse under its own weight. It can subtract the hydrogen in the air, making anyone nearby unable to breathe.

Reed created a mathematical construct of himself, hoping it would serve as the "solution" to Modulus. When Modulus saw this construct, it said it finally felt balanced and so, vanished into thin air.


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