10 Worst Parents In Marvel History

2. Brian Banner

Wolverine Vs Daken
Marvel Comics

When you believe your son is a radiation monster, and that his intelligence is caused by your ‘monster gene’, you’re probably never going to have a healthy relationship with him.

That said, Brian Banner takes what could have just been a distant relationship and goes full Hulk on it, continually abusing his son Bruce physically and emotionally until the old man's death. He's probably one of the few entirely irredeemable characters to not be an actual supervillain - although given the way he treats his family, he's just as bad.

Ironically, Brian’s worries – that Bruce would turn out to be a monster – do technically come true, but it’s worth noting that Bruce uses his monstrous form to repeatedly save humanity, making him infinitely better than his dad.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.