10 Worst Spider-Man Costumes Of All Time

7. Ricochet Suit

Spider Man 2211
Marvel Comics

When Norman Osborn had Spider-Man framed for murder, Peter Parker had to take a sabbatical as the wall-crawler.

But because Peter couldn't stop protecting the city, he decided to take on a different superhero identity. But if a random vigilante appeared in the city without warning, Parker assumed people would figure out it was Spider-Man in disguise.

To get around this, Peter created four identities and rotated their appearances in the city so no one would be able to figure out they were all one and the same.

These four new personas were Prodigy, Dusk, Hornet, and Ricochet. Even though Hornet probably has the silliest costume, readers took particular umbrage with Ricochet's look. The outfit is composed of a skin-tight onesie with an "R" emblazoned on the chest, a white face mask, and a leather jacket (because, y'know, comics). Peter also coloured his hair white while in this persona.

The costume looked pretty decent but it had the exact same eye design as Spidey's original mask. WHY would Peter make the mask look like Spider-Man if he's trying to hide the fact that he's Spider-Man?!


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