10 Worst Spider-Man Costumes Of All Time

6. Spideywhiteys

Spider Man 2211

One day, the Sensational Spider-Man stumbled upon an evil menagerie (creatively called The Menagerie) stealing jewelled eggs from an auction. Little did the Webhead know that one of the criminals, Skein, had the power to manipulate clothing textures. This may not sound like an ideal superpower but it led to one of the most embarrassing moments of the Web-slinger's life.

While tussling with her, Skein used her mutant abilities to shred Spider-Man's entire costume, save for his mask. Despite using his web shooters to thwip a covering around his private parts, Spider-Man was too late. Seconds after this incident, Spider-Man's... em... bearings were on the live news and tweeted around the world.

Even though a lesser hero would've fled out of shame, Spider-Man continued to battle The Menagerie in his web-thong until they were defeated.

In Spider-Man's defence, it was the best costume he could've made, considering he had two-and-a-half seconds to hide his shame. Nevertheless, Spidey probably won't be donning the spideywhiteys again in the near future.


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