10 Worst Spider-Man Costumes Of All Time

5. Mary Jane's Sewed Spider-Man Suit

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The problem with being a vigilante on a budget is you're kind of screwed if you're one and only costume gets ruined. When Peter Parker tore his outfit in the Ultimate Spider-Man series, he found himself without a Spidersuit. At first, he looked in wrestling stores for a suitable costume but found nothing.

Luckily, Mary Jane Watson had prepared for this eventuality and began sewing a spare Spider-Man suit for Peter several weeks prior. However, she abandoned the idea when the pair broke up.

When a mutant called Geldoff started trashing a school, MJ had no choice but to give Peter the half-finished costume she had sewed. Because she never received his measurements, the costume was disproportionately large. It was so long and baggy, it would probably fit Kingpin better than Peter.

Because she didn't get a chance to work on the lower-half, our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man was forced to fight crime with half a costume. When he put it on, one of the first things he said to Mary Jane was, "Are you sure you were making this for me?"

Spider-Man has had many embarrassing moments but this is definitely among the worst.


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