10 Worst Things Carnage Has Ever Done

1. Infecting An Entire City - Carnage U.S.A

Carnage Cletus Kasady
Marvel Comics

Carnage U.S.A is the one Marvel comic that desperately, desperately deserves to be adapted onto the big screens - if only so we can finally have the all-out symbiote-based horror marathon we all sorely deserve.

The series details Cletus and his pet symbiote single-handedly destroying the town of Doverton, by infecting its inhabitants and forcing them into awful scenarios. This is best shown with the unfortunate case of one family, where we see the symbiote slowly infect first the baby, then the youngest son Cole, and then the rest of the family.

Infection isn't the end of the fun, however, as after being infected the townspeople are forced to submit to Carnage's demands of them, which range from making lemonade to murdering their loved ones, although every request manages to have its own nightmarish end results.

It also involves one of the single grossest scenes in Spider-Man history, which involves Carnage, a meat locker, and approximately 3000% of your daily recommended viewing time of open flesh.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.