10 Worst Things Carnage Has Ever Done

2. Killing An Entire Restaurant - Deadpool Vs. Carnage

Carnage Cletus Kasady
Marvel Comics

Even in the delightfully twisted world of Deadpool comics, Carnage still manages to be just that little extra messed up. During the pages of Deadpool vs. Carnage, this is proven especially true, when the villain holds an entire restaurant hostage for a light spot of murder and torture.

While we don't explicitly see Carnage kill the women and children - unlike the unfortunate gruesome deaths of the men who try to stop him - it seems pretty heavily unlikely that he let them go free with their choice of snack as an apology.

Instead, it seems all too likely that each inhabitant of the restaurant became the creature's snacks, as the Carnage that we see fight Deadpool seems even crueler than usual, which is really saying something when you consider the serial killer's usual standard of monstrousness.

The whole thing really serves to set up Carnage as a worthy opponent for a man who can't be killed, making for a fascinating dynamic when the two different types of crazy meet and clash.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.