10 Worst Things Iron Fist Has Ever Done

5. Setting Iron Man And Daredevil Against Eachother

Iron Fist Blood
Marvel Comics

There's something low-key scandalous about seeing Iron Fist turn two heroes entirely against one another, seemingly for the sole purpose of getting his kicks.

While Iron Fist is disguised as Daredevil, he manages to be taken prisoner by Iron Man. With Iron Fist ardently against Iron Man supporting the Superhero Registration Act, he is standoffish to Stark, handing him a piece of silver to call him Judas - as Judas was paid thirty-one pieces of silver to betray Jesus.

Obviously Iron Man leaves the interaction pretty offended, and while it is a pretty badass move on Iron Fist's part, it is still a sketchy one in as much as the real Daredevil is totally unaware of the new enemy he has gained.

Disguising yourself as someone else is one thing - getting them extra enemies and animosity behind their back is another.


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