10 Worst Things Iron Fist Has Ever Done

3. Revealing A Secret City To The World

Iron Fist Blood
Marvel Comics

K'un-Lun - the city where Iron Fist was trained and raised - is one of the many locations in the Marvel universe that is concealed from the rest of the world. With the place revolving around learning secretive and dangerous martial arts powers, it's fair to say the inhabitants prefer to city being that way - as them being exposed would likely place all of them in immense danger.

So, naturally, this is exactly what Iron Fist decides to do - in spite of the fact that everything suggests that it's a terrible decision, and in spite of the fact the guardian of the city probably shouldn't be bringing its downfall.

Interestingly, the only reason this doesn't end up happening is because the Hand steal Fist's powers, and attempt to do the same thing in Tokyo. For some reason, this is shown as being a totally evil decision - despite the fact that Iron Fist had the exact same idea, and nobody batted an eyelid.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.