10 Worst Things Jean Grey Has Ever Done

5. Rejected Her Kids

Jean Grey Uncanny X-Men
Marvel Comics

Admittedly, Jean Grey has had so many children appear into their life claiming her to be their mother you'd understand why she generally refuses to believe them - as there's only so many kids from the future you can accept as believable.

However, when Rachel Summers - who does, by the way, look exactly like Jean Grey - reveals that Jean is her mother, Jean goes into a total nosedive about her parental status, breaking down into literal tears at the concept.

Weirder yet, she tells Scott that she didn't dislike the idea of being Rachel's mother, but that it was just 'a lot', which would have been lovely to hear at a point in time wherein Rachel hadn't fled the scene convinced her beloved mother hated her.

While Jean and Rachel never have an entirely easy relationship, it doesn't seem all that unfair to suggest that breaking down into hardcore sobbing when someone claims to be your kid isn't the most positive reaction possible.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.