10 Worst Things Jean Grey Has Ever Done

6. She Didn't Tell Her Family She Was Alive

Jean Grey Uncanny X-Men
Marvel Comics

After the Phoenix-revived Jean Grey is discovered by the Fantastic Four, the hero finally breaks out of her long-time coma, ready to get back into the world. While this doesn't initially sound too bad, it does contain one pretty strongly questionable moment, in that Jean almost immediately states she doesn't intend to tell her loved ones that she is not, in fact, actually dead.

Although this is partially justifiable - as trying to work out how to tell people you aren't dead probably takes a little work - it's worth note that Jean suggests that this may take some genuine time, meaning while she works out her phrasing, her friends and family are still mourning her.

This makes her revival even more awkward than it needs to be, as many of those close to her find out she's alive without her telling them, meaning they were also aware she'd avoided telling them.

While coming back to life isn't an especially easy time for anyone, letting those who grieved - and may still grieve - over you know you're okay now really should be first on the back-to-life list.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.