10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

7. Joined The Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Comics

On the face of it, Wanda joining up with Magneto's band of morally corrupt mutants doesn't seem all that bad. After all, she chose to join, so what's the big deal here? Well, the story of how she came to join them isn't exactly a fairy-tale.

Long before the twins knew he was their father, Magneto visited their village at just the right time. A vicious fire razed the village as horrified citizens looked on. Wanda tried to use her powers to put the fire out, but the townsfolk instead blamed her for the fire and set to take her down. Luckily for Wanda, Magneto swooped in and pushed the murderous mob back, saving her life.

In order to repay him, Wanda joined up with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants alongside Toad, Mastermind and her brother Pietro, who vowed to stay by her side in order to protect her.

The Brotherhood is by far Magneto's most evil creation (it's literally there in the name). Their first act was the invasion of Santo Marco with stolen Naval weaponry and it only got worse from there. Wanda and Pietro would eventually get away from the Brotherhood when they received an offer to join the Avengers.


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