10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

6. She Nearly Became Mrs. Doom

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Comics

After House of M, Wanda unsurprisingly fell off the radar for a while. It was only when the Young Avengers, worried Wiccan may have a similarly destructive meltdown, tracked her down that we found out where she had been all these years.

It turns out she had been living with Doom and the two had gotten well acquainted. By the time the Young Avengers found her, she was to be wed the very next day. Wiccan tried his best to jog Wanda's memory as Victor arrived to break up the conversation.

Wanda had come to Doom in search of help, trying to undo those three fateful words back in House of M. Shockingly, Doom found it impossible to say no to her as he fell in love with the Witch and they spent a few blissful years together before Doom showed his true colours once again.

Upset by his actions towards Wiccan, Wanda asked the young warlock to tell her everything that had happened. Still unsure if what she heard was true, she asked Doom why he was afraid she would believe the story. At that point, the Avengers (plus Magneto) arrived at Castle Doom and Wanda made her escape with Wiccan.


I'm just happy to be here