10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

5. Quicksilver’s Death - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Studios

The final battle between the Avengers and Ultron took a heavy toll on Wanda.

As the last of Sokovia's population were boarding the evacuation vessels, an already exasperated Clint Barton noticed a child left in the rubble. Being the great hero he is, he grabbed the child only to be cornered by Ultron bots who opened fire.

Having prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, he is surprised to hear the gunfire end with him still alive. The surprise is quickly replaced by sadness as he turns to see Quicksilver, riddled with bullet holes, collapse in front of them having taken the gunfire to protect the child and Hawkeye.

Despite not being there, Wanda feels the spiritual connection between her and Pietro break. Her only companion throughout her tragic years had died and, in her grief, she fell to the ground and unleashed a huge wave of powerful energy, destroying the Ultron army.

Say what you want about Age of Ultron and yes, maybe Pietro's death was only included to try and avoid confusion between the Fox version of the character, but this was one of the stand out moments of the entire franchise as we get a glimpse into the true power hidden within Wanda.


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