10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

4. The Avengers Set Out To Kill Her

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Comics

In the build-up to House of M, Wanda's reality bending mental breakdown saw her become the target of her former teammates.

Avengers Disassembled saw the team's darkest day, starting with the surprise resurrection and explosion of Jack of Hearts which killed Ant-Man. Tony Stark, appearing to be drunk, managed to get the Avengers UN charter revoked. Vision attacks the Avengers Mansion, releasing a hoard of Ultron drones before She-Hulk rips him in two. Then, just as things seemed to be calming down, a Kree battleship unleashes an army on New York, ultimately ending with Hawkeye's death.

The dust eventually settled, leaving the Avengers utterly devastated. The true cause of this events is only revealed when Dr Strange appears and suspects Wanda's reality warping abilities are responsible.

Six months later, former Avengers met with the X-Men to discuss the fate of Wanda Maximoff. After a lengthy debate revealed neither Strange or Professor X could do anything to save her, the group headed to Genosha with the only solid plan being Emma Frost and Wolverine's plan to "put her down".

Of course, the plan failed and instead, Wanda wiped out nearly every mutant in the universe. Yikes.


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