10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Scarlet Witch

3. The Punisher Ate Her

Scarlet Witch House Of M
Marvel Comics/Dynamite Entertainment

One of the cooler crossover books in Marvel history came in the late 2000's, when Ash from The Evil Dead was literally punched into the Marvel Universe... Though not the Marvel Universe we know and love.

It turns out, Ash had come into contact with a zombified Sentry and they had both arrived in the Marvel Universe. With only Ash knowing what was about to be unleashed upon his strange new surroundings, he tried to warn the superheroes about the Deadites, accidentally defeating Daredevil in the process and generally making a nuisance of himself instead.

Unfortunately, before he could convince any of the Avengers to listen to him, the zombie Sentry infected the Avengers and they quickly turn rabid. Ash then teams up with as many non-zombie heroes he can find, including Spider-Man, The Punisher, Scarlet Witch and Dazzler. Though none of those team-ups go well.

As the horror comes to a close, Ash, Wanda and Doom are trapped, surrounded by the zombified heroes with Doom next on the menu. However, with his back turned Ash doesn't notice The Punisher taking a huge bite out of Wanda, leaving it down to him alone to save the world.


I'm just happy to be here