10 Worst Things That Have Happened To The Joker

8. Having His Face Cut Off - Detective Comics (Vol. 2) #1

Joker Brain Hell Arisen
DC Comics

For literally any other villain in existence who possesses a face with skin, a scenario in which they get their face surgically removed would be the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. For the Joker, it appears to be a bit of a laugh, as the creep opts to get his facial skin carved off him with the casual air of someone deciding to paint their nails.

This said, the world of comics has to maintain some semblance of normality, so the Joker's time without face skin is shown as profoundly uncomfortable for the ghoulish jester. He's constantly itching his face, and unable to blink to protect his eyes - leading to several scenes of him squeezing eye drops into his inflamed orbs.

It's suitably awful, and only gets worse when bugs get involved in the Death in the Family series, making you sure that somewhere deep down the clown must have regretted his decision.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.