10 Worst Things That Have Happened To The Joker

6. Getting Shot In The Face - The Clown At Midnight (Batman #663)

Joker Brain Hell Arisen
DC Comics

The Clown at Midnight is both one of the best and one of the worst comics DC has ever put out. It's in a weird art style, as a mostly written story, and frankly if you picked it up expecting another regular issue of Batman, you'd likely be disappointed.

But, if you take the time to actually read the story that takes place within it, you're actually in for a total treat. This is especially true for the section wherein it's unveiled that a police officer disguised himself as Batman, found the Joker, and then shot him point-blank in the face with a gun. The Joker would - obviously - be massively injured by this event, being shipped to Arkham's hospital in order to have his face reconstructed practically from scratch.

Though the clown is pretty much fully recovered by the end of the comic, it's clear that his time immobile bothered him - and the fact that someone managed to get the one-up on him just becausr they were dressed like the Bat probably doesn't help.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.