10 Worst Things The Flash Has Ever Done

8. Having Questionable Relationships - Many, Many Comics

The Flash Resurrected
DC Comics

As a faction, the various faces that have worn the mask of the Flash share two traits; they're terrible with women, and they can run real fast.

Of these, the most questionable has to be Barry Allen, who would have an affair with a married woman, date a woman who turned out to be a terrorist, and pursue a woman named Patty Spivot - the trio of which are a pretty solid indicator as to why him settling down with Iris West was nothing short of a miracle.

This isn't to say that Wally had a better time of it though, as between the interesting stint where he tried to date Raven while she was repressing any and all emotion, and the time he decided to dpurposefully beat Roy Harper to ask Donna Troy out, he too has a relationship history littered with complicated scenarios.

While none of these things make either characters monsters, they collectively manage to stack up a whole lot of sketchy relationships between them.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.