10 Worst Things The Flash Has Ever Done

7. Killing Savitar - The Flash: Rebirth

The Flash Resurrected
DC Comics

Any expectations of what to expect from the Flash: Rebirth series were absolutely annihilated when, within the first issue, Barry Allen killed a man.

When Savitar finally frees himself from the speed force, he is immediately chased down by Barry, who ignores the fact that the hulking man appears to be scared and begging the hero not to touch him.

When he does, the villain immediately begins to crumble into dust, ominously warning the Flash that he'd brought 'the end' about. This move also kills all of Savitar's disciples - who were a cult, sure, but didn't deserve a weird crumbling death just because of their sketchy life choices.

Strangely, the villain's death doesn't really appear to bother Barry, which is more than a little unnerving when he's supposedly one of the more moral superheroes within the DC universe.


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