10 Worst Things The Justice League Has Ever Done

7. Allowed Snapper Carr To Exist - Justice League Of America

Justice League Batman Superman Wonder Woman
DC Comics

To be completely honest, this one is more the fault of the Justice League's writers, although the members themselves are not completely without blame.

Snapper Carr is a character who has, thankfully, been all but completely forgotten today. If you're curious as to what he did for the Justice League, it's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin: he snapped his fingers. A lot.

Keep in mind, we're not talking about Thanos-style super snaps. Snapper was an ordinary, non-powered teenager, who just sort of hung around the Justice League and said 'relatable' things like "Shucks! Why was I in such a fret sweat?" and "Man, this grass mat is the coolest! Wait'll Daddy-o casts his orbs on it!" Sadly, these are all direct quotes that we did not make up.

While it is obvious that the writers invented Snapper to appeal to the hip, trendy, neat-o kids of the 1970s, it is unfathomable as to why the Justice League kept him around. He had zero superpowers and absolutely no combat skills, and was constantly getting put in harm's way.

All that, and, in case it wasn't clear, he was incredibly, INCREDIBLY annoying.

Snapper Carr was reimagined as a villain in the 80s, and almost nobody cared. The sooner we saw the back of him and his constantly snapping fingers, the better.


Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.