10 Worst Things The Kingpin Has Ever Done

1. Nearly Killed Aunt May

Kingpin Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

One of the most iconic moments of the original Civil War was when Spider-Man revealed his secret identity to the world. As ideas go, it ranks up there with the time Peter shoved a paper bag over his head to protect his face.

At the same time, Wilson Fisk was in prison and desperate to regain his lost reputation. One of his archenemy's revealing their identity was the perfect opportunity.

Kingpin put out a hit on Spider-Man and sent a sniper to take him out at his home in Stark Tower. Peter's spider-sense kicked in just in time and he was able to save himself and Mary Jane. However, he wasn't fast enough to save Aunt May as well and she took a bullet to the gut.

This was another one of Kingpin's plans that backfired though. While Aunt May was in hospital, Peter went to Fisk's cell and beat him like a pinata filled with a continent's worth of chocolate. He almost killed Fisk, but instead decided to let him live with the humiliation of his defeat and the knowledge that his reputation was only further damaged.

Spider-Man then countered that moment of badassery by selling his marriage to a supermodel to the devil in exchange for his wrinkly old aunt.


I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.