10 X-Men Fates Worse Than Death
6. Enslaved For Entertainment

The Mojoverse is a realm where all the inhabitants are obsessed with reality television. (That sounds a bit familiar.) The dimension's ruler, Mojo, controls 72,000 channels, each with dozens of reality shows. Now, these series are a tad different to Big Brother or Love Island. In Mojo's world, the losing contestant to any of his shows is sentenced to death.
Just to be clear, these poor participants are killed... for ratings. It sounds like the pettiest reason to murder someone but that's how Mojo pays the bills. It may be heartless but in his world, viewers are eager to watch people, especially mutants, take part in one of his sick gameshows.
The worst thing is there is no "winning" in the Mojoverse. If a contestant survives, he or she is inserted into another show. And another. And another. Some of Mojo's victims have been forced to play for his amusement for years. For others, it's been decades.
Once Mojo has selected his candidates, it's a safe bet they will serve him for the rest of their life. Because there is no way to escape, many of his victims refuse to play the game and accept death willingly.