11 Comic Book Characters Who Underwent Horrifying Transformations

9. Punisher Is Reborn As Franken-Castle

man spider
Marvel Comics

Norman Osborn ordered Wolverine's son, Daken, to kill the Punisher to stop him from interfering with his plans. When Daken tracked him down, he sliced the Punisher to ribbons before decapitating him.

But don't worry. The Punisher was totally fine because he got sewn up by Morbius, some mole people, and a bunch of monsters. The Punisher was then reborn as a robotic zombie called Franken-Castle. You see, the Punisher's real name is Frank Castle and... it's like a play on the word, Frankenstein and... that's it. That was the entire motivation to write this story. For a pun.

As a concept, this idea could work. Frankenstein's Monster and the Punisher look intimidating. If you put them together, Franken-Castle should look terrifying as hell. Unfortunately, the artwork is cartoonish so Franken-Castle looks goofy, making him lose all potential menace.

Throughout this story arc, Franken-Castle is trying to exact his revenge on Daken while trying to find a way to reverse his zombification. However, you can't take the story seriously since Franken-Castle looks unintentionally ridiculous in every panel.


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