12 Essential R-Rated Wolverine Moments

4. Drowning His Own Son In A Puddle (Uncanny X-Force #34)

Parenting is a tough job and it€™s probably made even harder if you€™re busy trying to save the world every five minutes. Couple that with the fact that Logan isn€™t exactly dad material and it€™s pretty easy to see why his son, Daken, didn€™t grow up to be that well-adjusted. To sum up his relationship with his parents, his mother was murdered by The Winter Soldier while he was still in the womb and the first meeting with his dad involved disembowelling instead of hugs. It€™s clear to see that it€™s not your usual father / son squabbling going on and as both of them have the same regenerative powers, this leads to some pretty vicious conflict between the two of them as Daken forsakes heroism in favour of joining groups such as Norman Osborne€™s Dark X-Men. While there are some interesting features to Logan Jr, his main motivation tends to be daddy issues. With all this in mind there was only one way this dance could end, however the way it actually occurs is rather surprising. During an impassioned fight the reader is shown visions of how both men would have preferred things to pan out (some sort of lovely, boring family life according to their thought bubbles) but there can only be one winner and, spoiler alert, it isn€™t Daken. There is no blaze of glory for Wolverine€™s spawn, only the infamy of being drowned in three inches of water. Just as in the comics, it wouldn€™t be unfeasible for the third film to introduce a child Logan wasn€™t aware of and set them against each other. There€™s no conflict more compelling than a good old family feud.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson