12 Essential R-Rated Wolverine Moments

5. Magneto Rips Out His Skeletal Grafts (Fatal Attractions)

While the most iconic thing about Wolverine is probably the lethal claws (and the dodgy haircut), it€™s his power to heal himself from practically any injury that sets him apart. This regenerative capability allowed shifty government scientists to attach adamantium to all of his bones and even ensure that he can survive gunshots to the head. Unfortunately, both his shiny skeleton and his ability to rebuild tissue become painful liabilities when coming into contact with a mutant who can literally command metal with his mind. Magneto is somebody that Logan really doesn€™t want to be messing with, as proved in the X-Men€™s Fatal Attractions arc when the ardent campaigner for mutant supremacy proceeds to tear metal from bone in an insanely grim sequence which leaves poor Wolverine in so much pain that he is, according to the narration, unable to scream. Imagine not only having to suffer, fully awake, while a full-body skeletal graft was torn through your skin but also to survive and wait until everything knitted back together. That€™s just downright nasty. While this has been displayed onscreen to some extent, with Ian McKellan€™s take on the master of magnetism making Hugh Jackman gurn on the subway and Michael Fassbender flicking him away like a fly, these films€™ ratings prevented them from showing anything more than mild discomfort. To see Wolverine torn to shreds only to return and kick some ass would be a fantastic sequence to include in an R-Rated take on the character.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson