12 Superpowers You Didn’t Know Spider-Man Had
3. Night Vision

Another new power Peter developed during his regeneration in the cocoon was the ability see in the dark. It's another power that you would assume he already had, yet, despite being nocturnal, actual spiders don't see in the dark all that well. You would think at least one of the eight eyes they have would be able to see in the dark...
During the final part of The Other storyline, as he was getting used to being alive again, Peter went to investigate the source of an explosion which knocked out power for the whole city.
An apartment building had collapsed, trapping people inside. As he dug through the rubble to find survivors, he found he was able to see in the pitch black with no issues at all.
Unfortunately, it was a flash in the pan for Parker. This was yet another power that was completely glossed over in later issues, despite being incredibly useful. However, as the tech improved and Peter adapted his suit to integrate more and more gadgets, night vision goggles were built into his mask. Which he didn't really need to do, but what do I know about comic continuity?