12 Superpowers You Didn’t Know Spider-Man Had
2. Precognition

You don't have to be a super-fan to know about Peter's Spider-Sense (or Peter Tingle as we're now calling it apparently). It's one of the web-slinger's most famous and commonly used powers, apart from web swinging.
What you may not realise though, the Spider-Sense is actually a form of precognition. The sense warns Peter of immediate danger, allowing him precious seconds to react. If refined, it's entirely possible for Peter to see into the future using his Spider-Sense. Now, that might seem like a wild claim, but it's not without precedent.
Let's go back to Kaine Parker, Peter's sometimes villainous clone. Kaine was able to see in great detail events that were going to happen. During the Players & Pawns arc, Kaine is struck with a splitting pain while trying to figure out which clone is the real Peter Parker. He describes it as a burning sensation, as the image of a dying Mary Jane is seared into his brain.
much like Spider-Sense, it's not a power he has control of. Visions
come sporadically and cause great pain to Kaine. With the two powers
very much linked, it's a wonder we haven't seen Marvel try to adapt the
future sight to the web-slinger in mainline continuity.