12 Superpowers You Didn’t Know Spider-Man Had

5. Enhanced Healing

Spider Man Camo
Marvel Comics

If there is one thing Spider-Man is known for, it's never ever backing down from a fight. Even when he is on his last legs, the Spider-Man will always keep fighting. Yet there is more to this than pure determination.

Yes, willpower is a huge part of it. As is his overwhelming sense of responsibility (you know, cause of the great power). However, without his ability to heal at a faster rate than normal, there's no chance Spidey would keep getting back up. It's not nearly as advanced as Wolverine or Deadpool's healing abilities, but it's a hugely important power that seems to be glossed over quite often.

The web-slinger has been beaten to a pulp, burnt alive and broken pretty much every bone in his body. Yet he always manages to sleep these injuries off. It's very rare for Peter to be injured enough to but him completely out of action.

Due to his increased metabolism, his healing ability stretches to more than just physical regeneration. It also allows him to absorb radiation and venomous toxins without injury. Spidey even went as far to inject himself with radiation, in order to defeat Morlun.

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