12 Times Venom INFECTED Superheroes
6. Spider-Gwen
Some people at Marvel just like Gwen-based name puns.
Gwen Stacey is not only Peter Parker's first love but also the first true love of many Spider-Man comics fans, it seems. The Earth-65 version of the character was of course bitten by a spider in Peter's place and became Spider-Woman (or Spider-Gwen as everyone immediately branded her).
She's been massively popular, so naturally she's been blended with two other hugely popular characters, Deadpool and Venom (to create Gwenpool and Gwenom) at different points. At one point, Gwenpool and Venom also merged, just to shake things up even further.
In the Gwenom run of Spider-Gwen from 2017, Gwen bonded to the Symbiote to take down Matt Murdock, his minion Rhino and - at one point - Captain America. And she looked incredible the whole time.