11. Superman, Jimmy Olsen, The Guardian...and Don Rickles
Like Spider-Man over at Marvel, Superman has both the honor and curse of being DCs golden boy. And also like Spider-Man, one of his most regrettable stories actually came by way of one of the greatest creators in the history of comics. In the 1970s Jack Kirby made the move to DC following his much publicized fall out with Marvel, and was immediately handed Jimmy Olson of all comics to start. Youd think theyd hand the man responsible for creating every single great character ever made by the competition would at least get you a decent book, but DC can always surprise you. Kirby ran with it though, and used the book to bring to life his Fourth World concepts like the New Gods and Darkseid. He also used it to tell the epic tale of Don Rickles meeting his evil twin Goody. While Superman soars through space in search of Apokolips, Olsen, the lame Captain America rip-off known as the Guardian and the Rickles boys try to unravel the mystery of the Rickles doppelganger and a nefarious bomb plot because America, okay? If theres two things we dont stand for its bombs and cloning. Clark Kent arrives at the last minute as the police defuse the bomb and the bad guys are brought to justice. Don Rickles acts like a pig. Harmony is restored. As silly, pointless and mind-numbingly banal as this story is, it wasnt Supes worst team-up. That comes later.
Writer, philosopher and evil-genius who loves writing about all things geek or newsy - while preparing for the inevitable robot-apocalypse. Trust me kids, it'll happen before the zombies. Follow him for non-sensical ramblings on Twitter @TheGospelofAsif.