13 Fantastic Four Stories & Villains We Could See In MCU Phase 4
4. Annihilus And The Negative Zone
In the modern reboot of Marvel, Ultimate Comics, the Fantastic Four didn't obtain their powers from cosmic rays. Instead, they gained their abilities after they tried to teleport to another dimension called The Negative Zone. Reed Richards decides to try to access this reality again, believing that it will help him understand the origin of his team's powers.
As the Fantastic Four venture into this universe, they learn that The Negative Zone is dying. All of this reality's remaining inhabitants huddled up on a space station, which is ruled by the tyrannical Annihilus.
Annihulus desperately seeks to escape his dimension before it collapses so he can rule the Fantastic Four's young and vibrant reality.
Annihilus is one of the FF's oldest foes and is perceived as one of the most dangerous beings in the cosmos.
But there's a problem with the character. He's a tad generic. He enjoys killing and wants to rule the universe. That's Annihilus in a nutshell.
But The Negative Zone storyline would be a great way to introduce the character to the MCU because his motivation is more understandable. He's not evil. He just wants to survive... and he's evil.