14 Worst Male Superhero Costumes

11. Xavier (Dawn of X)

Batman Zebra
Marvel Comics

While Hickman's X-Men reboot is going well, some of the changes to our favourite mutants have been less than favourable. Some might pin the backlash to the new Xavier on nostalgia, but it's not just a love of the classic look that upset fans.

Since Professor X was killed in AvX, he has discarded his name and regained use of his legs which is already a pretty big change. Yet Hickman wanted to add his own spin to the character when he took on the team.

Sometime after discovering Krakoa, Charles created a portable version of Cerebro and now only appears wearing the Cerebro helmet. Charged with running the entire island, he wears it to keep in touch with everyone telepathically at all times.

It's a good reason, sure, but it looks pretty ridiculous. What makes the whole thing stranger is, no-one seems to address it.

Regardless of how clunky and dumb it looks, the helmet has been extremely helpful in the growth of Krakoa. His work increased Cerebro's capabilities and can now restore the memories and functions of deceased mutants.


I'm just happy to be here