14 Worst Male Superhero Costumes

6. Forbush Man

Batman Zebra
Marvel Comics

When you're starting out in the superhero business, it's not always possible to jump straight into a super cool costume. That being said, if you don't have any actual superpowers it's probably best if you add some protection at the very least.

Thankfully, Forbush Man is not to be taken seriously. He first appeared in the Not Brand Echh alongside other parody characters such as The Silver Burper, Gnatman and Rotten, as well as Ironed Man. The character was created by Stan Lee to serve as the butt of Lee's jokes, so he can be forgiven for looking so stupid.

Irving Forbush was just a low-level Marble Comic's employee who wishes he could hang with the big-time superheroes. His life would change forever when he is hit over the head with a saucepan by his Aunt Mayhem. It was the perfect thing to hide his identity and Forbush Man was born.

Despite being completely useless, Forbush Man has never lost a fight. Even during his ever first battle, he managed to defeat Juggernaut so easily that other villains surrendered to the police out of fear. The catch is, it's always down to dumb luck rather than anything he actually does.


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