15 Most Inappropriate Batman Comics Storylines Of All Time

6. Big Bats Are The Best, Get High All The Time

nightwing annual batgirl robin awkward
DC Comics

That one page in The Widening Gyre is bad enough, but it's just one inappropriate moment that makes up the rich tapestry of awful that is Kevin Smith's Batman. The gross out indie movie writer/director has been very frank in how involved smoking weed was in the process of penning his Batman comic. And it's a lot. He was baked the whole time.

Getting stoned isn't a way to get anything productive done, unless you're in a ponderous hippie rock jam band like Phish. The Widening Gyre is the comic book equivalent of Phish. Starring Batman. Working more of his own personal experiences into his work, Smith decided the Dark Knight should be as sky-high as he was writing him.

That's the same Batman who relies on his wits, who spends a great deal of his time beating up drug dealers who put illegal substances on the streets, and is generally a million miles away from the overweight movie hack smoking a doobie before getting around to writing a perennially-delayed comic. Truly stupefying and inappropriate.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/