15 Most Inappropriate Batman Comics Storylines Of All Time

5. Two-Face's Homophobic Blackmail

nightwing annual batgirl robin awkward
DC Comics

Not that Batman has to be directly involved for one of his comics to be really inappropriate. Gotham Central is one of the best Dark Knight comics to rarely feature the man himself. Instead, it focuses on the regular cops of his city and how they deal with the same threats, without the use of Batarangs, tooled-out supercars and genius-level intellects.

Amongst its cast were recurring Batman supporting cast members like Harvey Bullock ad Renee Montoya, along with members of the Caped Crusader's rogues gallery. Like Two-Face, whose obsession with Montoya was ported over from the Animated Series and was taken to a somewhat ridiculous degree in Gotham Central.

Y'see, the comic book Renee Montoya is gay, and so has even less reason to want to do kissing on Harvey Dent's scarred visage. She's closeted, though, because being a gay cop isn't much fun – at least, she is until Two-Face publicly outs her, after she refuses to be blackmailed into accepting his advances. 

That's really not okay, everybody involved.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/