15 Most Inappropriate Batman Comics Storylines Of All Time

4. The Goddman Batman, Tormentor Of Orphans

nightwing annual batgirl robin awkward
DC Comics/Jim Lee

Frank Miller's Batman is unlike any other Batman. In The Dark Knight Returns, that was because Miller skipped a couple of decades into the future to focus on a broken, battered, elderly Caped Crusader. In Year One, it was because Batman was at the outset of his career. In All-Star Batman And Robin, The Boy Wonder? Well, there he has no excuse.

As part of the “All-Star” line meant to celebrate the best of DC's characters in out-of-continuity stories, Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's Superman book showed a bright, colourful altruistic Man Of Steel. For his Batman comic with artist Jim Lee, Frank Miller decided Batman should be a foul-mouthed psycho who abuses kids and loves killing.

The series still hasn't been finished, despite starting all the way back in 2011, but has thus far involved Batman calling Robin retarded and making him eat rats, having sex with Black Canary on top of a motorbike, and constantly calling himself “the goddman Batman.” This ain't your grandpappy's Caped Crusader! Nobody knows whose Caped Crusader this is.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/