15 Most Inappropriate Batman Comics Storylines Of All Time

3. Whatever Happened In Batman: Odyssey

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DC Comics

Neal Adams is almost single-handedly responsible for making Batman the dark, brooding superstar he is today. His moody artwork in more serious-minded stories returned the character to popularity after everyone had gone off goofy, Adam West-esque Dark Knight adventures. There's a reason Adams never wrote those stories, though.

The artist is probably insane. 

At least, on the basis of his Batman: Odyssey miniseries, you'd be forgiven for reaching that conclusion. It's one of the most inexplicable, bonkers and indescribable Batman story ever told. Even when interviewed, Adams admitted that it wasn't possible for him to give an overview of the plot.

It's too much to recount here, but these are some particularly objectionable moments that happen within: naked Bruce Wayne opens every issue talking directly to the reader, he shoots a lot of people, it's revealed the Dark Knight has gym equipment dangled above his bed (confirmed: Batman sex swing), and the only women who appear are slaves.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/