15 Most Powerful DC Weapons RANKED

5. The Helmet Of Fate

Metron Mobius Chair DC Comics
DC Comics

Perhaps the most powerful magical items in the DC universe is the Helmet of Fate. Ordained by the cosmic Lords of Order, the helm contains the essence of Nabu, one of the most powerful mystic beings in reality. Whoever dons it, if they have a sufficient enough magical aura and strong enough body, is deigned to adopt the mantle of Doctor Fate, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme.

As Doctor Fate, the helm's wearer has access to the pocket dimension inside the Tower of Fate and an infinite library containing every spell ever created. The helmet automatically grants its wearer flight, telekinesis, precognition, telepathy, psychometry, energy blasts, teleportation, transmutation, enhanced physical abilities, and nigh invulnerability.

On top of that, the user can access the powers of Nabu himself. This can be used to travel through time, attain total cosmic awareness, move between dimensions, and even become immortal.

In some continuities, access to these powers is dependent on the wearer letting Nabu totally possess their bodies, but this drawback is relegated in some versions. But while the helmet itself isn't sentient, it contains enough of Nabu's spirit to be selective about who it allows to wear it. Only a few individuals are worthy of its power.


A writer, blogger, comedian, and actor in New York City, Mason relishes any opportunity to discuss his favorite topics. He has many strong opinions on all facets of media and pop culture.