15 Most Powerful DC Weapons RANKED

4. Warworld

Metron Mobius Chair DC Comics
DC Comics

While it does not top the list of most powerful weapons in the DC universe, Warworld is perhaps the most intimidating. A massive, Death-Star-like space station, Warworld is moon-sized superweapon designed by a race of warmongers. It is equipped with multiple planet-busting weapons and is described as being as durable as a dwarf star, celestial bodies that are some of the densest forms of matter in the universe.

Though it has little in the way of cosmic defenses, Warworld's outer shell is thick enough to repel most ballistic and even nuclear attacks. It contains an army of drones that repair and maintain the space station, making it entirely self-sufficient.

Despite its massive size, it can move relatively quickly through space, crossing the entire solar system in a matter of hours. It is even malleable, able to pull back its crust to make room for the more powerful cannons housed in the planetoid's core.

Despite being extremely powerful, Warworld does have a few distinct weaknesses. It can only be operated by a crystal key and controlling it can cause immense physical and mental stress. The race that built the Warworld died out by using it one by on only to die from the stress it put on their brains. To this day, only Mongul has had the strength and willpower to safely operate Warworld.


A writer, blogger, comedian, and actor in New York City, Mason relishes any opportunity to discuss his favorite topics. He has many strong opinions on all facets of media and pop culture.